I Dream of Africa
Sometimes I try to remember what I expected before I went on my first safari in sub-Saharan Africa; whatever it was, it was far less spectacular than my first experience there - or any since. And each subsequent trip has just added to the wonder and thrill of the place.
The wildlife is a marvelous draw, of course, but the people are so kind and the light is so pure and the land is so startlingly vast and beautiful and varied that there are endless opportunities for new experiences and grand adventures.
In another post, I try to describe a typical day on Safari, just an outline of activities without any of the sensual elements that make the experience so satisfying - the fresh, clean air, the sounds of the bush at night, the blackness outside the campfire light, the awe and wonder found in the close proximity to large, powerful, magnificent animals. Well . . . you just have to go and see for yourself.
“I never knew a morning in Africa when I woke up that I was not happy.”