There are endless website options these days for travel-related material. Here are my favorite links and Apps that I often use for reference. Keep them handy when you’re preparing for a trip.
Plugs & Power
The only time you need a CONVERTER anymore is with hairdryers and curling irons and some sophisticated equipment; most common digital devices can adapt to any power level so all you need is a PLUG. Don’t wait until you get in-country and it’s too late.
Currency Converter
ATMS can dispense cash in the local currency or you can find a bank or foreign exchange booth. But when you’re spending money, you want some idea of the cost in your own currency. That’s where XE comes in handy. There’s an app too.
The World Clock
You can keep track of multiple time zones on your smartphones now, but this site comes in handy for all sorts of other time and date related minutiae like date calculators and celestial events. Full moon tonight?
How to Get Anywhere
So we all know about planes, trains and automobiles. But Ferries? Buses? Mail boats? This great site will try to get you from one place to another anywhere in the world. Very handy.
State Dept. Country Info
Check your passport. Do your homework. Read the warnings and the visa requirements and the crime statistics. They know. They’re there. Make sure people at home know where you are.
“A ship in harbor is safe; but that’s not what ships are built for.”
Packing Apps
I use Packing Pro. Once you set up a basic list, you can add and subtract from it for each trip you take. Handy to remind you of all the things you need to take care of before you go as well. All in one place.
Google Translation App
Google Translate is really helpful and is getting better all the time.
Brief Guides
My favorite is the Culture Trip App. Great if you’re in a city or country for a short time and just want an overview.
Weather and Sky
Make sure you have a good weather App that you can use in WiFi anywhere in the world. As climates become less and less predictable, you need to be more and more prepared. Dress in layers. If you’re out at night, you can use the SkyGuide App to show you the stars and constellations.
Using your Phone
Learn how to use your mobile phone overseas so you don’t get stuck with huge bills. You can buy a package plan from most major providers or you can use eSIM technology to pickup cell service all over the world. WhatsApp works when you’re in WiFi almost everywhere.